A downloadable game for Windows

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A simple multiplayer ship combat game right now, I've always envisaged Stellar Commander as a big open universe multiplayer game where you can captain your ship through various places and activities. 

Right now the action is all on your ship, but the plan is to support multi crew one day and allow you to form an away team to explore all manner of places on foot.

To get started with this version you just need the single .exe file. Run it once and start a server, then run it again anywhere else as a client to connect and play.

Default port is 9000.

WASD to move, mouse to change facing.

LMB/RMB to file

M for a map

Made withUnity
Average sessionA few seconds
InputsKeyboard, Mouse
MultiplayerServer-based networked multiplayer


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Stellar Commander.zip 30 MB

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